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The difference you've made

It’s barely 4 months into the year and already we’ve accomplished so much together. We owe so much to our customers and our fans because without you, the positive, lasting change we’ve brought to developing countries wouldn’t be possible.



In total, we’ve purchased over 47,000 handmade pieces from our artisan communities. If that sounds impressive to you, it’s because it is! It’s remarkable, in fact. You’ve showed that you believe in our mission, and the people we’ve helped together are forever grateful. We’d love to share some highlights so far this year:



Our team of artisans in India are some of the most talented weavers we’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting. Their line of warm- and cool-weather scarves are made from a variety of sustainable and upcycled materials.



Our all-woman team of artisans in Colombia have been hard at work creating one-of-a-kind works of art with upcycled fruit, nuts, berries, and beans. Many of their products have quickly become best sellers since being introduced earlier this year. We’re hard at work on future lines and can’t wait to unveil them!



From glass beads to carvings, our team of artisans in Indonesia have been hard at work on your favorite finishing touches made with sustainable materials. Your purchases have spoken and bright colors are clearly a trend right now!



Our dream to create worldwide change is quickly becoming a reality. The positive impact your purchases have directly on our artisan communities quickly ripples throughout their villages and brings prosperity to disadvantaged areas.


We hope you’ll continue to support our mission as we look to expand our network, our partnerships, and our vision. From the bottom of our hearts, and on behalf of our grateful artisans, we extend our most humble gratitude.