Everyone could enjoy a more financially secure way of life. Our company’s mission is to support hardworking people in developing countries through the sale of their Fair Trade handmade products who may not have another option to earn income to support their families. This year, we’ve extended those same opportunities to people here in our country by offering a partnership opportunity with our Founding Curator program. Our Curators sell our Fair Trade products and earn a percentage of each sale.
Our Curator program is flexible to the time and goals you have. Work just a few hours a week to earn some extra spending money, or dedicate much more time to earn a solid paycheck, the choice is yours. How could your family use the extra monthly income? Here are some smart ways to put your money to work for you.
Plan for college or retirement
Set yourself or your kids up for a more financially sound future by putting away a small amount of extra cash each month for upcoming expenses.
Treat yourself
Get a manicure and massage, plan a couple’s night out, or take a weekend trip. No matter how you give back to yourself, you’re sure to return back to your everyday life with a rejuvenated spirit and positive outlook.
Pay down your debts
Prioritize the debts in your life, whether it’s a credit card bill, student loan, or mortgage, and make progress on the bottom line.
Home renovations
Hire a professional to take care of that update you’ve always wanted but put off. Your home is likely your largest life investment, enjoy it to its full potential.
Put your money to work for you and grow your bottom line. Talk to a financial advisor and determine the best way to get the maximum return on your investment.
See the world
Check some items off your bucket list and treat yourself to a dream vacation.
In the coming weeks, we’ll post stories from our current Curators to share the story about why they started their own business and how the extra income has brought positive change to their families. Interested in learning more about becoming a Curator? Head over to our Partner page. What would you do with some extra cash each month? Tell us in the comments!