Most people have the intention of being on time for scheduled events in our lives. Sometimes we have one of those mornings when just nothing goes right. Sometimes we encounter an unexpected traffic jam. Some things we can’t prepare for, but many things we can. If your punctuality performance could use some work, we want to help. Being on time for life isn’t just professional, it’s common courtesy. Show others in your life that you value the commitment of your relationship and that you value your time by giving this most important tip a try.

Many of us utilize a schedule, calendar, or planner of some kind. When you make a commitment, you note the time and other details. Do you account for the time it would take you to arrive to the location? This important detail should be scheduled as well to ensure you don’t have overlapping commitments and leaving you in a rush. Start the habit of including all blocks of time for which you need to prepare. And if you need a little extra boost, set an alarm to remind you 5 minutes before you need to leave in order to arrive on time.
Try it out for a week and see how your punctuality improves. The people in your life will undoubtably take note and appreciate your respect for their time. Once you make this into a habit, you’ll have a newly gained sense of sanity by avoiding the mad dash feeling as you rush from commitment to commitment.