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An Ethical Life Made Easy

Whatever your new years resolution may be, sometimes it’s easier to make small, gradual changes to accomplish a goal instead of diving in head-first to turn your life upside-down. If creating an ethical way of life is something that’s important to you, we have some tips to help you make conscious choices that have a big impact.

  • It’s no secret that one-time use plastics is impacting our natural environments. Consider an alternative the next time you reach for a plastic straw or utensil. Opt for a reusable drink container instead of a paper or plastic one.
  • Have you given public transportation a thought? Maybe give it a try one day per week to see how it works into your routine.
  • Read the label on cleaning products you use around your home. Do they have a negative impact on our environment? Are there other products on the market that achieve the same result but with less harm?
  • What do you know about where your food comes from? Choosing to eat locally and in season cuts down on transportation emissions, supports local farmers, and often is fresher and tastier.

What companies can you support that share your own values?