Our Curator program is a simple way to have a big impact.

1. Get your Starter Kit
This sample kit contains best selling styles of handmade accessories. Wear them yourself and show them off to start a conversation about Fair Trade.

2. Go Digital
We’ll setup a free website for you with no charges to maintain it, ever. When people love your style, point them to your website so they can shop. We’ll ship what customers order, you’re never required to carry inventory.

3. Get Social
Keep the Fair Trade conversation going by posting your favorite styles on Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest. You can even host small get togethers to show off the styles as well.

4. Make an Impact
Every purchase empowers people in developing countries. And since our pieces are made with sustainable materials, they’re good for the earth, too.
Earn up to 50% commission on each sale and start your own Fair Trade business today. We’d love to have you join our team. You can learn more about our program on our website. Apply today to see if we’re still accepting partners in your area.