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Sizzlin' Summer Deals: Excitement Every Week!

Summer is here, and we couldn't be more thrilled to introduce our Sizzlin' Summer Deals! Every week through the end of July, we're bringing you hot new deals to add a splash of excitement to your summer shopping. Whether it's a big discount on a bundle of your favorite products, a brand new style debut, a substantial coupon for our website, or a mystery bag full of delightful surprises, there's something special in store just for you! Here's How It Works: Limited Time Deals: These deals will be available from Wednesday to Friday, or while supplies last. So, be sure to act fast because we think most will sell out! Big Variety: Expect the unexpected—each week brings a fresh new deal. You might...

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Empowering Change: The Impact of Supporting Small Makers

In a world where every purchase holds the power to make a difference, choosing where to shop becomes more than just a transaction—it becomes an opportunity for positive change. At I Thought of You, we believe in the transformative impact of supporting small makers, especially women, in disadvantaged communities around the world. When you shop with purpose, you create a profound ripple effect that creates a brighter future for artisans and their families.Long-Term Employment and Economic StabilityShopping with us doesn't just mean you're picking out a product—you're investing in livelihoods. Many of our makers rely on the steady income provided by their craft to support themselves and their families. By creating long-term employment opportunities, we help break the cycle of poverty and provide...

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Creating a Thriving Fashion Industry

Picture a future where every individual working in the fashion industry not only survives but thrives. Currently, a staggering 95% of fashion workers find themselves ensnared in systemic poverty, with a significant 75% of these workers being young women aged between 18 and 25. It's a stark reality that confronts us, revealing the deep-rooted inequalities within the industry. But amidst these challenges lies an opportunity for transformation. We envision a future where every worker earns a living wage, enabling them to afford life's basic necessities and to live with dignity and respect. By investing in the empowerment of women, we're not just investing in individuals; we're investing in the very foundation of our industry. Women play a pivotal role in...

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Behind every partnership is a story of chance, fate, and meaningful connections

When it comes to choosing which countries and villages to partner with, we've learned to trust the journey. Our founder Mandy's encounters with incredible women on her journeys before I Thought of You was founded were nothing short of serendipitous.Since our humble beginnings, we've honed in on the types of styles and materials our amazing customers love, and we've researched where those materials are abundant in the world 🌿 Armed with this knowledge, we embark on journeys often without a structured itinerary or expectation. We simply arrive, meet the locals, and start networking.What unfolds is pure magic ✨ We find ourselves in villages where connections are scarce, yet the warmth of hospitality knows no bounds. As we share meals and...

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What True Sustainability Means to Us

Safety isn't just a box to check—it's a sacred promise we make to our incredible makers 🤝 Because we believe that every artisan deserves to create in an environment that's safe, supportive, and empowering.In the diverse landscapes where our artisans reside, safety regulations vary—but our commitment remains unwavering. From Colombia to India, we uphold the highest standards to ensure that every step of our crafting process prioritizes the well-being of our makers 🛠️We know that shortcuts might offer temporary gains, but they often come at a steep cost—jeopardizing the safety and dignity of the very hands that bring our creations to life. That's why we refuse to compromise, insisting on safety measures that protect our makers and the integrity of...

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