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Thanks for applying!

We're excited to consider you for our team! Check your email inbox (or promotions/spam folder), we'll send you a status update in about 30 minutes once we've reviewed your application.

These women have been inspired to join our team and help us spread hope across the world. Whether she’s a stay-at-home mom or she’s fresh out of college paving her next steps, she’s an I Thought of You Curator and she’s making a difference. No two stories are alike yet each is inspirational in their own way. We hope their stories inspire you to make a difference with us.


While you're waiting...

1. Follow us on Instagram, TikTok, and Pinterest.

2. Join our Eco + Empowered Group on Facebook and follow our main Facebook Page.

3. Check your inbox within the next half hour (our email may land in your spam folder, be sure to look there too!)




"My favorite part about being a curator for I Thought of You is not only the products but also the support that they give to their Curators. They really treat us as friends and help us out with anything that we need. They are there for us always to answer any questions and they answer them in a fast timely manner. I feel the support behind me always and never feel alone knowing that if I have any questions I am comfortable to ask them and know I will receive an answer quickly."



What Other Curators Are Saying

"I love being a part of this company, the women are all so amazing and friendly! The products are unique and beautiful but being able to be proud of the mission and the integrity of this company is my favorite."

"Becoming a Curator gave me a sense of selflessness. I wasn’t afraid to be unsuccessful with sales because even my own purchases were helping others. My customer sales have been an additive to that and allow me to help even more people."

"I Thought Of You is one of the most unique companies I have heard of. And it's much more than a company, it's a mission. I'm all about supporting brands that do good-and help people or the planet or animals-not just companies that 'sell products'."




"My favorite part about being a Curator is sharing the stories of our beautiful jewelry. I love telling customers about the materials and where they come from. I also feel so good and proud to be a part of company that cares about humanity. I enjoy the freedom I have in my sales and the low pressure attitude."


Let’s #spreadhope together

Our team is so excited about what’s ahead this year. Our affiliates are the voice of our makers and how we share our story that changes the lives of real women in at-risk communities. Our Fair Trade promise ensures fair pay, gender equality, safe working conditions, the avoidance of child labor, and the use of sustainable materials.


We are women unified by purpose. There are no minimum sales needed to get paid your commission and no required inventory to carry, we ship everything directly to your customer. And there is no recruiting or team building at all, ever, period, in our program.

We’re successful because our Curators are so passionate about the change we’re creating together. Remember to check your email inbox (or your promotions/spam folder), we'll send you a status update in about 30 minutes once we've reviewed your application.