Today’s global fashion industry is rapidly growing and has nearly crested the $3 billion mark. Workers in disadvantaged areas are more easily taken advantage of when it comes to fair wages, safe working conditions, reasonable working hours and break periods, and child labor.
We’ve seen great strides in transparency from brands and manufacturers but that also comes with misinformation in the marketplace that consumers need to understand before they make a purchase.

1. Supporting sustainability is expensive
This is the #1 roadblock we hear and we love to show you why supporting causes important to you doesn’t need to break your budget.
The traditional retail model takes a product and marks it up several times from what it originally cost to make. From the original maker, to the distributor, the shipper, the receiver, then the retailer - every time a product is handed off, you should assume there is cost mark-up to allow a profit for each party involved. This is the easy way to do it, but is not the only way.
Find retailers who have a thoughtful approach to these processes and cuts out the bloat seen in most supply chains. Ensure profits are going back to the maker, that shipping is eco-friendly (international shipping by sea is more sustainable and lower cost than shipping by air), and that raw materials are sourced while keeping the environment in mind.
2. I can’t trust brands who say they are green
Greenwashing can be a problem where brands over-inflate their own sustainable claims to sway customers into making a purchase. This can be a tricky issue, but not one that is impossible to overcome.
Start by finding brands that you like, then look on their website, blog, and social media pages to see what information is readily available. If you don’t find what you’re looking for, ask! Start a conversation about the working environment where their products are created. Ask where the materials are sourced from and how they ensure sustainable practices. Seek out photos and stories of the people who make the products.
Find brands that will have a conversation with you and that you feel are trustworthy. Don’t base your judgement on accretions and labels, those may not carry as much weight as you think.
3. Sustainable choices aren’t flattering
In the past, this was true. If you sought out sustainable garments, there weren’t many options and, if those styles didn’t fit your taste in clothing, could turn you off from supporting these principles. In today’s market, there are more choices than ever from more brands than ever. Whether you’re looking for conservative fashion, bold and trendy, or perhaps even a piece that can convert to multiple uses, there’s certainly something that will fit your taste.

Our goal is to offer customers a transparent choice at a reasonable price. If you’re curious about our partners, our materials, our practices, and our mission, we encourage you to look through our website, other blog posts, and our social media pages (Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest are a great start). Have a question? We love to talk about our mission and would love to hear from you!