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Padding Your Pocketbook

Padding Your Pocketbook

Can you believe it’s nearly September? School has started, Halloween decorations are out, and soon enough you’ll start to hear holiday music playing at retail stores. 2015 will be gone in a flash! Speaking of the holidays, it’s never too early to start planning your shopping budget. There are so many ways to earn extra spending money, here are just a few of our favorites.     Put your car to work The sharing economy has increased dramatically in the recent past. Companies such as Uber and Lyft have allowed everyday folks to operate as a taxi service during the hours of their choosing. All monetary transactions are handled through a smartphone app and earnings are deposited into the driver’s...

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We think you should know...

We think you should know...

  We wanted to look back at how much you’ve allowed us to give back. Our most heartfelt gratitude goes out to our customers and fans who support our mission to #spreadhope. Take a look at how you’ve helped us grow.     Where do you want to see us go in the future?

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Confidence and Kind Hearts

Confidence and Kind Hearts

  Likability and confidence go hand in hand. People who are likable are secure in who they are, and people who are confident (but not over-confident) are easy to talk to. Back to school can be a nerve-wracking time for kids and adults alike so we’ve assembled some of our favorite ways to give yourself a boost for the weeks ahead.   These tips have been split into two categories: appearance and communication. Pick a few to try out this week and let us know how they work for you.     Practice simple, non-verbal cues in everyday conversations. Make an effort to wear a genuine smile. How do people know it’s genuine? Your cheeks and the corners of your...

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Give Fair Trade a Try

Give Fair Trade a Try

We're putting a new spin on this week's Good Buy. Use discount code FREEFAIRTRADE at checkout and get today's special Fair Trade item for free, just pay shipping. We think you'll like this one "berry" much :) Hurry, valid today only!

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Me vs. you: the battle

Two things prevent us from happiness; living in the past and observing others.   How do you measure success? Do you look up to someone of a similar age and compare your accomplishments to their own? Sometimes a little healthy competition can be good, it keeps us motivated to achieve great things and to be our best selves. Opposing sports teams keep the pressure on each other to train and refine their skills. There’s really an infinite number of ways we can analyze how we measure up to others, but what happens when you begin to compare too much of yourself to others?   When we boil it down to the most simple form, everyone is striving for one thing;...

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