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This process matters.

This process matters.

Remember the #whomademyclothes movement? I made your jewelry. We’d like you to get to know some of our artisans who love making the pieces that make you feel beautiful. This trend started an important conversation with our global community and sparked consumers to ask the tough questions. Its impact was felt, but we want to keep the conversation going. Take a look into the workshop and see the process used to create our latest arrivals. Every detail of our new tassel necklace styles is handcrafted. The cord is loomed to create a durable foundation for the knotting process. A hand-tied knot is placed between each bead. This is an important detail to craft a product designed to worn and enjoyed...

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The summer solstice is the longest day of the year and is a tipping point for days to get shorter and night extensions. It’s the first day of summer and is marked by warm days and summertime memories. But we like to think of it as a new time for new years resolutions. This halfway point is a great time to reflect on where we are and where we want to go. Use the 5 tips below to start valuing your time to get the most out of each day. 1. Use map apps on your smartphone no matter where you’re heading. Not because you don’t know the route, but modern map apps can alert you to traffic delays and...

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What is a Curator?

What is a Curator?

Our Curator program is a simple way to have a big impact. 1. Get your Starter Kit This sample kit contains best selling styles of handmade accessories. Wear them yourself and show them off to start a conversation about Fair Trade. 2. Go Digital We’ll setup a free website for you with no charges to maintain it, ever. When people love your style, point them to your website so they can shop. We’ll ship what customers order, you’re never required to carry inventory. 3. Get Social Keep the Fair Trade conversation going by posting your favorite styles on Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest. You can even host small get togethers to show off the styles as well. 4. Make an Impact...

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How to be authentic.

Focusing on self-improvement is vital. The list below can help create stepping stones to shape the path of your life. And although you’ll likely see improvements in your relationship and others’ perception of you, your focus should be on making these changes for yourself alone. Don’t focus on trying to make people like you. If your motivations are simply for others to like you, they’ll see right through it. Let people get to know you for who you are. This will help you to cultivate a close group of acquaintances rather than a large network. Don’t pass judgement. Everyone is fighting a battle you may know nothing about. And even if they aren’t, appreciate the path others choose for themselves....

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