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Loving The World With Your Purchases

Loving The World With Your Purchases

Hi, I’m Mandy! I started the brand I Thought of You just about 6 years ago. We work with artisan groups in 9 countries (including the U.S.). When you shop with us, you support and empower creative makers from all over the world. Styling ethically doesn’t have to be expensive. Our mission is to make our designs accessible to everyone and I am incredibly proud of our tribe. In our years in business we’ve learned, we’ve grown, and we’ve accomplished so much fully in thanks to our customers who believed in what we stood for.Thanks to our dedicated team of US affiliates, our small business has grown tremendously through word of mouth. More than 50% of our affiliate team holds...

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Men’s Role in Women’s Empowerment

Men’s Role in Women’s Empowerment

For too long women weren’t offered a seat at the table. Then they were offered a seat at the table as a token gesture but their voice in the workplace was stifled. We’ve seen too many instances of men speaking in place of women to stay silent about this.The concept of a glass ceiling has been a barrier faced by women for decades, it describes the hurdles women face as they attempt to advance their careers. But did you know that women control about $20 trillion in annual global spending? And that figure it expected to rise to $28 trillion in the next five years.Women represent a growth market that’s larger than double the size of China and India combined....

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Why Connections Are Good for Business

Why Connections Are Good for Business

If quarantines and self-isolations have taught us anything it’s that social connections are important to our mental health. We need each other—it gives us a sense of belonging and knowing we have a support network gives us confidence.We’ve found that it’s important to weave these connections into our business as well. Our mission is working to create a bridge between cultures. These relationships help the world become smaller and we hope our work is bringing the world together. It starts with the artisan who collects the natural or reclaimed materials and continues with the woman who strings the beads onto your necklace. These collaborations create a sense of belonging with others within a small town and the income made possible...

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Psst… Are You Recycling Wrong?

Psst… Are You Recycling Wrong?

Living with less and making do with what you have might be kind of overwhelming to think about if you’re just starting down the path of a more eco-friendly lifestyle. Recycling is a great first step if you’re keen on being more conscious of your impact on the earth. But, did you know that if you recycle wrong you can actually do a lot more harm than good?Have you ever tossed something in the blue bin that seems like it should be recyclable but you aren’t 100% sure? You might be thinking, “it’s better to send this item to a recycling facility where it might be recycled or composted instead of directly to the landfill.” We call this wishful recycling.Wishful recycling is...

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Fake It Till You Make It

Fake It Till You Make It

“How are you?”“Oh I’m good, just super busy.”Is this your go-to answer when chatting with a friend?Do YouTube moms and perfected Instagram grids have you feeling like you’re the only one that doesn’t live a picturesque life? Self-isolation, quarantines, and out-of-the-norm daily life may have you feeling like life is a bigger challenge this year. If you feel busy, chaotic, or out of control, try these 4 super simple tips to start working on your mental health and feeling more in control of your day.Make your bed each morning (effort: 2 minutes per day)Give your bedroom the calming atmosphere you’ll need to drift off to a restful sleep each night. And who does’t love the feeling of crawling into a...

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